Wednesday, August 05, 2009


"No sooner met but they looked;
no sooner looked but they loved;
no sooner loved but they sighed;
no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason;
no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy;
and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage,
which they will climb incontinent,
or else be incontinent before marriage. "

I popped the question and she said yes! There is a sparkle in her eye & on her finger too, she wants to share her excitement with you! Still can't guess who's that?
Yes, we are bubbling with news - I and Brijbala exchanged hearts long ago and, this Sunday on the day of 26th July 09, exchanged rings with each others.
We seek your blessings and good wishes for our journey ahead!
Jaydip and Brijbala